Course Description Price Duration
PADI AWARE Fish Identification Be AWARE and know your fish! € 150 1 day
PADI Boat Diver Leave the shoreline and dive coastal waters € 168 1 day
PADI Coral Reef Conservation Understand reefs and how to protect them € 105 4 hours
PADI Deep Diver Dive into the deep blue! € 216 2 days
PADI Digital Underwater Photographer Capture images of your adventures! € 196 1 day
PADI Diver Propulsion Vehicle Scoot through the water! € 206 1 day
PADI Dry Suit Diver Learn to dive effectively with a dry suit € 151 1 day
Emergency First Response Lifesaving skills for everyone € 112 1 day
PADI Enriched Air Diver Nitrox for longer no deco dives € 145 1 day
PADI Equipment Specialist Dive gear theory and basic repairs € 196 1 day
PADI Gas Blender The right mix! € 160 1 day
PADI Night Diver Who turned the lights out? € 220 12 hours
PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Practice makes perfect! € 121 1 day
PADI Project AWARE Specialist You can make a difference! € 105 4 hours
PADI Search and Recovery Diver Lost and found! € 236 2 days
PADI Underwater Naturalist Learn about the aquatic ecosystem € 135 1 day
PADI Underwater Navigator Are we there yet? € 196 1 day
PADI Wreck Diver Underwater playground! € 236 2 days